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" The songs of our ancestors

are also the songs of our children "

The Druid Way

The Druid Animal Oracle

Working with the Sacred Animals of the Druid Tradition

Authors: Philip & Stephanie Carr-Gomm, illustrated by Will Worthington
Publishers: Fireside Books, Simon & Schuster (USA & AUS) Connections (UK)
French edition: Editions Vivez Soleil
German edition: Aurum Press
Italian edition: Il Punto
Dutch edition: Gottmer Becht
Portuguese edition: Zefiro
Czech edition: Fontana
Swedish edition: New Page
Slovenian edition: Synergie
Publication date:1994
ISBN: 0671503006

Also available as a deck with a small booklet rather than the full book, and as an app
Buy the deck with full book

View a live workshop using the Druid Animal Oracle for Divination and Personal Transformation

The Druid Animal Oracle by Philip and Stephanie Carr-Gomm, illustrated by Bill Worthington, is an oracular system based on the totem animals of Druidry. 33 full-colour cards (and three spares) are accompanied by a 176pp hardback book and divination cloth. The book gives a wealth of folklore, myth and interpretations for each animal and gives both oracular spreads and ways of working with power animals that can act as guides, allies and healers.

“Rich with vivid symbolic references, the cards have a depth and elegance that subtly draws the eye in to reveal detail. More than a reference, this work embodies reverence. It establishes a foundation and framework of understanding. A doorway to other dimensions. ” The Druid’s Progress Magazine

From Frank McEowen’s review on
“Anything can be a divination system, but if you are going to work with one it might as well be beautiful and a way of learning knowledge and lore you are seeking to know. I purchased The Druid Animal Oracle the first year it came out and continue to recommend it to people who are wanting to learn more about the totemic dimensions of the Druid traditions. Philip Carr-Gomm, Chosen Chief of the Order of Bards, Ovates, and Druids, and his lovely wife Stephanie, Scribe of OBOD, have applied their usual skill, creativity, and psychologically sophisticated lens to a realm that deserves such a treatment: our animal allies. The suggested readings–which are applicable to other oracles and divination systems–have an interesting way of tapping into the undercurrent of the waking dream, while the artistic vision of Bill Worthington who created the paintings for the DAO has presented the animals/animal spirits in a fashion that truly transmits their essence and the perennial essence of the Druid spirit. Part of this is the result of his ingenious representation of the animals according to the principle of the Golden Mean, with each animal’s eye falling in the same exact position on each card. Some of the other imagery represented in the cards expresses quite well the megalithic inheritance of the Celtic lands–all of which were constructed by pre-Celtic peoples–yet which became holy sites to the incoming Celts and our “medicine people”, the Druids. Overall, the combination of spotless artistry combined with well-researched background history on each animal in the various Celtic traditions results in a beautiful tool for the modern seeker to learn about the sacred animals of the Druid tradition.”

See card samples and read an in-depth review by Janet Boyer

Read excerpts from the book